Mas de 3000 textos GNU/Linux

Recopilatorio de mas de 3000 articulos referentes a gnu/linux.
En ellos nos encontramos con tutoriales, articulos y mucho mas referente a este entorno.
Los textos estan en ingles.


The original version of this document resides at


- Steve Oualline

  • Vim FAQ
    (Dec. 2002)

  • Vim Scripts

  • Vim Tips

  • Revisiting VIM
    - Andy Kahn (Apr. 1998)

  • elvis Manual
    - Steve Kirkendall (1995)

  • VRML


    "A set of library routines that enable C programmers to describe arbitrary data structures
    in a machine-independent way." -
    External Data Representation: Technical Notes



    XML is the Extensible Markup Language. It is designed to improve
    the functionality of the Web by providing more flexible and adaptable information identification.

    It is called extensible because it is not a fixed format like HTML
    (a single, predefined markup language). Instead, XML is actually a
    `metalanguage' - a language for describing other languages - hich lets
    you design your own customized markup languages for limitless different
    types of documents. XML can do this because it's written in SGML, the
    international standard metalanguage for text markup
    systems (ISO 8879). - XML FAQ


    The original version of this document resides at

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